I Like Innocence, I Like Ignorance

This post was firstly posted on Armenian Nessuna’s blog and on photographer Onnik Krikorian‘s blog and gave rise to great debate about gender issues and sex education in Armenia. Unfortunately, Onnik’s

Bellezza Armena

Gambe scoperte, caviglie arcuate accentuate da scarpe altissime e coloratissime; trucco pesante, capelli sciolti e curati, sorrisi smaglianti. Mani e piedi curatissimi, grazia nei movimenti. Camminano in gruppo, a coppie.

Armenian Beauty

Exposed long legs, beautiful thin ankles, and small feet encapsulated in colourful high shoes. Heavy make up, long and shiny hair, happy smiles. Hands perfectly manicured, they move graciously. You

Fleur Armenienne

Les jambes nues, les chevilles fines accentuées par les chaussures colorées du talons vertigineux ; le maquillage lourd, les cheveux longs et soignés, les sourires radieux. Les mains et les pieds
