Calais, France 2019 On the last days I spent as a volunteer in Calais with Care4Calais I had the opportunity to assist a group of dentists who came from Focus
ANSWERING TO THE CALL OF NATURE Toilet Day On October 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Swachh Bharat Abhyan Mission (Clean India) which includes the challenge to provide
We’re always after another challenge, because the challenge makes us better at what we do. — Mike Reynolds The sun is high in the sky at Gili Kenawa, West
CITY LAYERS or THE AMBIGUITY OF BEING A LOCAL Stories of Migration Published on Medium and on billionBRICKS Each city receives its form from the desert
At nightime, the house is carried away by the wind. The wind penetrates it and takes it over and over. The wind knocks the door and pounds its way through
Di notte la casa e’ in balia del vento. Il vento la penetra e la possiede; bussa ripetutamente ed entra anche se non sente risposta. Il pavimento di legno cigola
A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD OR GROUND UNDER YOUR FEET The Adventures of Maggie Mee The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. Saint Augustine
UN TETTO SULLA TESTA O UNA BASE SOTTO I PIEDI Le Avventure di Maggie Mee Piu’ alta vuoi sia la struttura, più profonde dovranno esserne le fondamenta. – St. Agostino Per