Periferia di Kuala Lumpur, tra edifici pericolanti e marciapiedi pieni di buche, cento mini-market dai prodotti arabi e un quartiere nato dalle migrazioni di massa, dalle politiche di accoglienza
ACROYOGA NINJA STAR VARIATIONS We put together a few variations of the infamous AcroYoga Ninja Star washing machine. The game was to play on the different axis and plans, trying
“The sea washes away the ills of all mankind.” ~ Euripides (420 BC) The regular motion of the waves is hypnotizing. One can spend countless hours getting lost in
Interview to Kate Middleton- Freedive Gili Yoga & Freediving A yoga teacher, dive master and avid traveller, Kate landed on Gili T. in May 2008 while looking for a place
YOGA IN THE GILI ISLANDS Published on Gili Life It is no wonder that the Gilis are becoming a popular yoga destination. Stunning ocean views, colourful striped skies profiling Mount