Ex-Moi – A house belongs to who lives in it

A HOUSE BELONGS TO WHO LIVES IN IT Stories of Migration   Published on Medium and on billionBRICKS After 7 years of neglect following the 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games,

The Ambiguity of Being a Local – Stories of Migration

CITY LAYERS or THE AMBIGUITY OF BEING A LOCAL Stories of Migration     Published on Medium and on billionBRICKS     Each city receives its form from the desert

PicTurin 2010: Il Video

2010 was year Zero. Over 40 national and international artists met up in Torino for the first edition of the PicTurin — Torino Mural Art Festival, one of the main

PicTurin 2010: Erica Il Cane

Un cantiere. Un parcheggio che diventa platea; spettatori seduti su gradini sporchi e puzzolenti di piscio e avanzi di cibo e in piedi, appollaiati su qualche appoggio, mani in tasca,

Refugees in Turin – Occupation

In October 2008 around 80 people with the status of political refugees occupied the Clinica San Paolo, a former private clinic located in Corso Peschiera 178 in Turin. The occupation

I will smile if I am alive

I will smile if I am alive. If I am dead, only memories will be left. Yes, this is Europe. On my first day of work I did not know

Italie – Les réfugiés se rebiffent

En octobre 2008, environ 80 personnes ayant le statut de réfugié occupaient la Clinica San Paolo, une ancienne clinique privée située au Corso Peschiera 178 à Turin. L’occupation était organisée

Italie – Les Roms, boucs emissaires

Tous les matins, un peu avant huit heures, les éducateurs traversent le camp et appellent les enfants. Les enfants les regardent derrière les fenêtres de leurs préfabriqués, parfois ils sortent
