Acroyoga Ninja Star variations

ACROYOGA NINJA STAR VARIATIONS We put together a few variations of the infamous AcroYoga Ninja Star washing machine. The game was to play on the different axis and plans, trying

Kite OnAir – the one-stop website for kiters

KITE ONAIR  The one-stop website for kiters The Kite world is getting smaller and more connected thanks to Kite OnAir, THE one-stop website for all that is kite surfing and

Subwing, the ultimate watertoy to try in the Gilis! – Subwing, le dernier jouet aquatique à essayer aux Gilis!

There is a new watertoy in the Gilis, a brand new board that allows you to fly under the water, do acrobatics and observing the coral reef at the same
