Behind every successful project there is a successful manager and a successful team, but when community work is involved, then the networking and personal commitment of the project’s beneficiaries are
Imagine diving off one of the beautiful shores of the Gili islands in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, and finding yourself facing fishermen equipped with dynamite and destroying the coral reef.
Più di 80 scrittori da più di 20 paesi, esponenti dei media dal Sud-est asiatico e dall’Australia e innumerevoli curiosi e interessati si sono incontrati a Ubud in occasione del
After spending most of his life working for the Swiss chemical industry, David Kuper never thought he would end up leading a project that would earn him the nickname of
Metti cinque asiatici esponenti della comunità LGBT nei loro paesi attorno allo stesso tavolo e il risultato non vi deluderà. In occasione del sesto festival degli scrittori tenutasi a Ubud,
Founded in 2008 by Dj Kikx, Purple Hexagon Records is a full-spectrum psychedelic music label that supports and is supported by the passion and enthusiasm of many psytrance aficionados around
This post was firstly posted on Armenian Nessuna’s blog and on photographer Onnik Krikorian‘s blog and gave rise to great debate about gender issues and sex education in Armenia. Unfortunately, Onnik’s
Low-cost flights have become so common that we are now used to travelling without a numbered seat and, when boarding an aircraft, we no longer expect to be immediately offered
LONDRA-KUALA LUMPUR con AIR ASIA Ovvero: compagnie low cost per tratte lunghe… L’esplosione dei viaggi low cost in Europa ci ha ormai abituato a non avere il posto assegnato, a