Drawn by his love for the wind and adventure and his passion for kite-surfing, Stefano arrived in Indonesia because he wanted to go out kiting every day. He settled in
There is a new watertoy in the Gilis, a brand new board that allows you to fly under the water, do acrobatics and observing the coral reef at the same
When Yasmina, also known as Mina, left Switzerland to travel solo around the world, she did not plan to sail across the thousands of islands and discover the most secret
It’s a quiet and sunny day in the Gilis and you are chilling on the beach, not really thinking about anything special, when suddenly a thought crosses your
A HOUSE BELONGS TO WHO LIVES IN IT Stories of Migration Published on Medium and on billionBRICKS After 7 years of neglect following the 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games,
CITY LAYERS or THE AMBIGUITY OF BEING A LOCAL Stories of Migration Published on Medium and on billionBRICKS Each city receives its form from the desert
MALARIA – LA RICERCA CONTINUA Intervista a Olivo Miotto La malaria, secondo i dati dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, continua ad uccidere oltre mezzo milione di persone l’anno. La storia
SNEAKY MUTATIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MALARIA Published on the Jakarta Post Plasmodium falciparum — one of the parasites responsible for the transmission of malaria — is the
SEGNALI DI FUMO Pubblicato su La Stampa Non è la prima volta che spessa nebbia copre i luccicanti palazzi di Singapore, lasciando nell’aria un fastidioso odore di bruciato. Nonostante
RADICI LA FILIERA DEL LEGNO IN UN TEST DEL DNA There is diversity but uniformity in all life, as virtually every organic entity is encoded by some combination of the