ARDUINO OZORA 2014 – LED ACROSUIT Ozora festival in Hungary is a magic place where creativity comes to life in thousands of different art expressions. In 2014 we thought
ACROYOGA LUNAR IMMERSION STORIES STORED IN OUR BODY Up and down. Mood and movements follow the jumps of a grasshopper racing in a huge yellow field. Bent legs
UPSIDE DOWN AND BOTTOM UP Acroyoga Performance at Singapore Night Festival To make sense of the world, we must filter it. To think is to forget. -Joshua Foer Maggie
One month later, here is the video of the Acro Yoga performance by Acro Monkeys at Mantravine’s concert, Lit Up Festival 2013, Singapore. I dedicate a special deep bow in
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone
Un cantiere. Un parcheggio che diventa platea; spettatori seduti su gradini sporchi e puzzolenti di piscio e avanzi di cibo e in piedi, appollaiati su qualche appoggio, mani in tasca,
LONDRA-KUALA LUMPUR Panico epidemia febbre suina. Al check-in chiedono, al pari delle domande di routine su chi e come Ë stato fatto il bagaglio, se si presentano sintomi di tale