There is a new watertoy in the Gilis, a brand new board that allows you to fly under the water, do acrobatics and observing the coral reef at the same
When Yasmina, also known as Mina, left Switzerland to travel solo around the world, she did not plan to sail across the thousands of islands and discover the most secret
It’s a quiet and sunny day in the Gilis and you are chilling on the beach, not really thinking about anything special, when suddenly a thought crosses your
SNEAKY MUTATIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MALARIA Published on the Jakarta Post Plasmodium falciparum — one of the parasites responsible for the transmission of malaria — is the
SEGNALI DI FUMO Pubblicato su La Stampa Non è la prima volta che spessa nebbia copre i luccicanti palazzi di Singapore, lasciando nell’aria un fastidioso odore di bruciato. Nonostante
RADICI LA FILIERA DEL LEGNO IN UN TEST DEL DNA There is diversity but uniformity in all life, as virtually every organic entity is encoded by some combination of the
BACK TO THE ROOTS DNA tests in the fight against deforestation Published on the Jakarta Post Many are probably familiar with the DNA technology used to solve mysterious crimes
NATURE vs SCIENCE JALAN JATI ART PROJECT: Retracing the origin of a teak bed Published on the Jakarta Post “What’s the use of them having names,” the gnat
MALDIVE ARIA TOSSICA E DI RIVOLTA Pubblicato su Greenews Le dimissioni di Mohamed Nasheed dalla carica di presidente delle Maldive erano sembrate inizialmente dettate da pressioni dietro le
Se intellettualmente si assimila il concetto che il nostro rapporto con la Terra è uguale al rapporto che la foglia ha con l’albero, diventa ovvio che le necessità dell’albero hanno