MALARIA – LA RICERCA CONTINUA Intervista a Olivo Miotto La malaria, secondo i dati dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, continua ad uccidere oltre mezzo milione di persone l’anno. La storia
SNEAKY MUTATIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MALARIA Published on the Jakarta Post Plasmodium falciparum — one of the parasites responsible for the transmission of malaria — is the
RADICI LA FILIERA DEL LEGNO IN UN TEST DEL DNA There is diversity but uniformity in all life, as virtually every organic entity is encoded by some combination of the
BACK TO THE ROOTS DNA tests in the fight against deforestation Published on the Jakarta Post Many are probably familiar with the DNA technology used to solve mysterious crimes
NATURE vs SCIENCE JALAN JATI ART PROJECT: Retracing the origin of a teak bed Published on the Jakarta Post “What’s the use of them having names,” the gnat
E’ facile sentirsi minuscoli e spiazzati quando si arriva a Singapore, rimpiccioliti da altissimi grattacieli dalle forme più strane e persi negli infiniti corridoi commerciali sotterranei. Non sembra vero che
L’idea di usare l’elettricità per rigenerare la vita sott’acqua ha un che di visionario e apocalittico allo stesso tempo, tanto da poter sembrare un’astrazione degna di Jules Verne. Tuttavia, questo
Behind every successful project there is a successful manager and a successful team, but when community work is involved, then the networking and personal commitment of the project’s beneficiaries are
After spending most of his life working for the Swiss chemical industry, David Kuper never thought he would end up leading a project that would earn him the nickname of