UN TETTO SULLA TESTA O UNA BASE SOTTO I PIEDI Le Avventure di Maggie Mee Piu’ alta vuoi sia la struttura, più profonde dovranno esserne le fondamenta. – St. Agostino Per
UPSIDE DOWN AND BOTTOM UP Acroyoga Performance at Singapore Night Festival To make sense of the world, we must filter it. To think is to forget. -Joshua Foer Maggie
One month later, here is the video of the Acro Yoga performance by Acro Monkeys at Mantravine’s concert, Lit Up Festival 2013, Singapore. I dedicate a special deep bow in
As an irrepressible electrical flow, Quantum Animism hits and drags listeners into a powerful music current crafted by Gelika from the duo Insane Creatures. Delivering a sound that carries the
Purple Hexagon Records celebrate its 5th birthday with a double cd compilation offering an intense collection of psychedelic music. Compiled by the label dj team, “Tropical Visions” is a tribute
BACK TO THE ROOTS DNA tests in the fight against deforestation Published on the Jakarta Post Many are probably familiar with the DNA technology used to solve mysterious crimes
HOLIDAY REFUGEES Welcome to Trashland from the Adventures of Maggie Mee As she lines up in the umpteenth queue to board the umpteenth means of transport that will bring her
Nonna e’ anziana, ma non e’ vecchia. Nonna ha una data di nascita che ha dell’incredibile se la si paragona con la media mondiale, ma non ha rughe. Nonna e’
Kacey Wong, architetto di formazione, è un artista visivo e designer di Hong Kong. La sua ricerca artistica nasce dallo stretto rapporto con la sua città e il desiderio di
The hallmark of life is this: a struggle among an immense variety of organisms weighting next to nothing for a vanishingly small amount of energy. – Edward O. Wilson “The