Environmentally Displaced Migrants: when a name is not a status

Never before in the history of human kind has the population doubled in just forty years. Overpopulation is probably the factor that is multiplying the catastrophic effects of climate change,

Panem et Circenses? You Wish!

At first sight, Italy is a country in complete decadence. It is succumbing to a general moaning and to a fight to grab the leftovers. In this fight, the rich


Alla Madrasah di Gili Air, Lombok, è la festa di fine anno scolastico. Gli studenti delle classi miste della scuola che accoglie i ragazzini dagli undici ai tredici anni presentano

LGBT del sud-est asiatico a confronto

Metti cinque asiatici esponenti della comunità LGBT nei loro paesi attorno allo stesso tavolo e il risultato non vi deluderà. In occasione del sesto festival degli scrittori tenutasi a Ubud,

I Like Innocence, I Like Ignorance

This post was firstly posted on Armenian Nessuna’s blog and on photographer Onnik Krikorian‘s blog and gave rise to great debate about gender issues and sex education in Armenia. Unfortunately, Onnik’s

Refugees in Turin – Occupation

In October 2008 around 80 people with the status of political refugees occupied the Clinica San Paolo, a former private clinic located in Corso Peschiera 178 in Turin. The occupation

Natural Disasters and Human Nature

Today is the national day of mourning for the victims of the severe earthquake that hit the Italian region of Abruzzo on April 6. Media coverage of the earthquake has

I will smile if I am alive

I will smile if I am alive. If I am dead, only memories will be left. Yes, this is Europe. On my first day of work I did not know

Sonda la ronda o crea la baraonda

Non è importante la gravità di un problema, quanto la percezione che la gente ha del problema. Il modo in cui si vive il problema fa la differenza e di

Italie – Les réfugiés se rebiffent

En octobre 2008, environ 80 personnes ayant le statut de réfugié occupaient la Clinica San Paolo, une ancienne clinique privée située au Corso Peschiera 178 à Turin. L’occupation était organisée
