My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone
Un cantiere. Un parcheggio che diventa platea; spettatori seduti su gradini sporchi e puzzolenti di piscio e avanzi di cibo e in piedi, appollaiati su qualche appoggio, mani in tasca,
At first sight, Italy is a country in complete decadence. It is succumbing to a general moaning and to a fight to grab the leftovers. In this fight, the rich
Founded in 2008 by Dj Kikx, Purple Hexagon Records is a full-spectrum psychedelic music label that supports and is supported by the passion and enthusiasm of many psytrance aficionados around
This post was firstly posted on Armenian Nessuna’s blog and on photographer Onnik Krikorian‘s blog and gave rise to great debate about gender issues and sex education in Armenia. Unfortunately, Onnik’s
LONDRA-KUALA LUMPUR Panico epidemia febbre suina. Al check-in chiedono, al pari delle domande di routine su chi e come Ë stato fatto il bagaglio, se si presentano sintomi di tale
In October 2008 around 80 people with the status of political refugees occupied the Clinica San Paolo, a former private clinic located in Corso Peschiera 178 in Turin. The occupation
Today is the national day of mourning for the victims of the severe earthquake that hit the Italian region of Abruzzo on April 6. Media coverage of the earthquake has
I will smile if I am alive. If I am dead, only memories will be left. Yes, this is Europe. On my first day of work I did not know
Non è importante la gravità di un problema, quanto la percezione che la gente ha del problema. Il modo in cui si vive il problema fa la differenza e di